Author Archives: Alastair
Whoopee! George has a recorder from school to practise with at home. Apologies to all neighbours and especially Jenni & Mark
but wait till I get my saxophone out…..
@heritageopenday @MoorPoolHT #savemoorpool brilliant day, thanks for a great day for George & James
We did do more than test the patience of the West Midlands Polices. Batman and Spiderman face painting, we eat tasty hot dogs and veggie burgers and had a go on the bouncy castle. But George and James spent most of the day in the police van…..
with the helmets and jackets too
practicing apprehending Edwardian miscreants
and demonstrating with handcuffs
Thank you to all that organised the day.
… and in through the gates. James has started his first day at school. In class RMT with his chums.
James is ready for his first day at school
Wow! Look what James can do. Riding a bike without stabilisers.
Well done James
It’s Humphrey’s birthday today. He’s 9
@WarwickCastle what did the Puritan Parliament of 1647 do for us?
James, George and Xander receive a brief history lesson about the consequences of the English Civil War and the Puritan Parliament during the English Interregnum.
Michael Johnson, it’s been awhile but I thought I’d pop round to see if….
you were in and…
@microscooters Wow! great day at #creationsk8park for James and George & free flashing bar light
Clent Hills @nationaltrust bush skills day
West London skate park. James & George on a #scooter #tour
We needed to stop off for a picnic tea on the way home….