Been out for a walk by the river Humber. James has decided to have a rest while James and Sylvia walk to the lighthouse.
George and James have made it to the top of Clent ‘mountain’ Now all we need to do is find Humphrey… (… found a short time later)
George James & Dad are at the #scooter park George, James and Dad are at the skate park at Lightwoods Park. It’s a little damp and slippery but there’s no one else here!
Brave Sir George, the Knight of Harborne is off to the banquet #dressingup Brave Sir George rode his might steed all the way to the banquet. (George skipped all the way to school on his hobby horse)
George’s new Lego spaceship George and I have finished off his new spaceship and he’s made sure all the boosters are in the right place…..
James and George ‘hanging’ at the skate park First time this year at the skate park at Lightwoods Park.